Being a skilled residential roofing contractor is easy—simply give your customer what they want!
But how do you find out what homeowners are looking for?
Put yourself in the shoes of your ideal customers. For homeowners, consider what you would like from a roofing contractor and how you'd like being treated.
Have a look at these easy-to-implement qualities to integrate into your roofing company's principles and business procedures.
Reliability is essential in every industry; however, it's even more essential when you're offering a service like restoration or replacement of a roof.
Here are a few ideas on how you can become a roofing professional that property owners and homeowners management can count on.
Always arrive on time.
A simple method to show professionalism is to be at the right time or early every day. This is a great method to demonstrate your commitment to finishing the task within the timeframe. If you decide to show up early, be sure to be considerate of the needs of your customer. Be sure that the entrance is free of obstruction when kids are heading to the bus stop, or your customer(s) are leaving to work.
Never make promises that you won't be able to keep.
Honesty is the best way to go. If an issue arises which delays production or affects the work such as a problem with supply or unexpected damage that is not mentioned in the proposal, conduct your own research. Locate a few possible solutions and inform your client's attention right away. They'll appreciate your integrity and professionalism to ensure they receive top quality service.
It is essential to present your potential customers with roofing a range of shingle choices in terms of style, color, and cost. Keep them interested by providing a thorough explanation of the advantages of each choice. Through this, it shows your prospective client that you are not just about how your structure will appear once it's completed but also about how you can work within your budget.
Materials are important; however, the quality of your work is equally important. The best shingles will only be efficient if they are properly placed on solid decking that is of high-quality and solid construction with the correct materials placed between. You must ensure that every member of your team is properly trained to perform the roof replacement, whether it's the installation, tear-off, or cleaning. Your roofing foreman must be educated in all aspects of the work. In the end, this training improves the efficiency and quality of the work.
In most cases, the faster you finish the task, the more pleased your client. However, how do you stay efficient while maintaining its quality work?
Make the most of the latest technology.
Nowadays, everything is digital. Many technology and supply companies have created apps that specifically assist roofing companies in completing and overseeing a range of jobs, including but not only:
Cleaning up the site is an essential part of providing excellent customer service. The customer is likely to be upset at the sight of your cleanup crew dragging the tarps overflowing across their property as they imagine their pets or children walking onto stray nails.
Disclaimer: This is a referral site. All work is performed by a Licensed partner company